Lions Council Organization

Executive Board

Collaborates with Headmaster to identify needs of SJCA community and ensure Lions Council fulfills its mission. Supervises and tasks Executive Committee members and Standing Committees chairs appropriately.  

 Time commitment: 15 hours per week. 

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Runs monthly Lions Council meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order. 

  • Calls meetings to order punctually, follows agenda, and maintains atmosphere of cooperation and initiative.  

  • Oversees and addresses manner and method to ensure virtuous conduct in line with SJCA’s standards. 

  • Ensures committees carry out allotted assignments including planning, communications, and stewardship.  


Responsible for maintaining accurate records of all proceedings of the Lions Council. Prepare monthly meeting agendas and inform Chairman of any unfinished businesses at the meetings. 

 Time commitment: 1-5 hours per week.  

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Keeps accurate record of all meetings by taking minutes and prepares minutes for approval ahead of next meeting. 

  • With Communications Director, maintains Lions Council correspondence, including communications with Standing Committees and notices of meetings to membership. 

  • Maintains official files, records, and permanent history of the Lions Council, including minutes, bylaws, and standing rules.  

  • Determines if quorum is present at meetings and records attendance. 

  • Maintains up-to-date roster of all committees. 

  • Be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order and assists Chairman.  

  • Collects monthly inputs from committees for submission to The Lions Line newsletter.  

  • As needed, prepares presentations for meetings. 

  • Handles all aspects of the Lions Council website.


Finance Director

Works closely with other Executive Committee members to develop policy, process, and procedure for use of funds. Works with Standing Committee chairs to understand financial needs and develop budgets for Lions Council events.  

 Time commitment: 5-10 hours per week; varies based on events and monthly financial deposits.  

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Develops an annual budget for the Lions Council.  

  • Serves as the liaison between the appointed accounting firm which compiles the monthly financial statements for SJCA and the Lions Council. 

  • Pulls monthly financial reports from payment systems and logs transactions in QuickBooks. 

  • Listed on the Lions Council bank account and credit cards. 

  • Manages all bank deposits and petty cash needs for Lions Council events.

Communications Director

Filters and disseminates information between the Executive Committee, the Standing Committees, and SJCA. Acts as a liaison between the Lions Council and SJCA.   

 Time commitment: 12-15 hours per week; varies with certain projects or events. 

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Works with the SJCA School Secretary to update the calendar, disseminate school-wide communications, and assess how the Lions Council can assist with the school’s needs. 

  • Works with the SJCA Technology & Media Specialist to keep the school website and PTBoard connected. 

  • Works with SJCA Director of HR to vet volunteers.  

  • Manages PTBoard, the SJCA parent information portal: 

  • Updates and maintains site content, layout, and approved users; acts as primary manager for adding documents and creating pages. 

  • Oversees communication from the Lions Council to the community. 

  • Provides assistance to SJCA faculty, staff, and parents. 

  • Consults with PTBoard technical personnel—no coding skills required. 

  • Collects dues from membership and provides membership reports at meetings.  

Lions Council Committees

1776 Promise Campaign Chairman

Oversees on-going fundraiser consisting of monthly pledge by donors to generate funds directly benefitting the teaching faculty at SJCA. The campaign mission is to mitigate the existing funding gap between charter schools and traditional Clay County public schools. 

 Time commitment: 2-5 hours per week. 

Annual Dinner Committee Chairman

Organizes and oversees committee responsible for the planning and execution of SJCA’s Annual Winter Dinner. The purpose of the annual dinner is to raise funds directly supporting the Lions Council. 

 Time commitment: 1-10 hours per week (varies with respect to timeline approaching event).  

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Ticket sales and marketing for event. 

  • Plans, organizes, and executes the silent auction. 

  • Plans the food and beverage needs for dinner, to include securing the caterer and wait staff (paid or volunteer). 

  • Manages decoration of the venue.  

Golf Tournament Committee Chairman

Organizes the annual SJCA golf tournament which is open to the community and held in October. Secures new event sponsorships and renews annual sponsorships with local donors.  

 Time commitment: 10 hours per week (varies with respect to timeline approaching event). 

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • 9-12 months prior to tournament – Arrange date and secure golf course for tournament, determine event budget, and select menu/price for tournament dinner. 

  • 6-9 months prior – Design sponsorship package letter, message, and event registration. Secure new event sponsors and renew annual sponsorships.  Establish online payment portal for sponsors and participants. 

  • 3 months prior – Order event supplies (e.g., banners, hole signs, flags, cart signs, and range dividers). Collect prizes for raffle, silent auction, and place winners. Coordinate with local business sponsors for Hole-in-One prize and other hole prizes.  

  • 2 months prior – Generate “Welcome Letter” and tournament rules; finalize tournament format (e.g., Scramble, Putting Contest, Longest Drive, and Closest to the Pin). 

  • 2 weeks prior – Submit tournament pairings to hosting golf course, reconcile online registrations and payments, and purchase Mulligan Packages with registration. Coordinate and manage team to execute all day-of preparations. Coordinate with Lions Council for day-of event volunteer staff.  

Lions Support Committee Chairman

Oversees fundraising and administration of projects and events that benefit SJCA.  

 Time commitment: 10 hours per week (on average). 

 Other key responsibilities:  

  • Develops and updates Volunteer Handbook and Room Parent Handbook. 

  • Manages volunteer program, including registration and assisting with application process, and hosting Volunteer Orientation. 

  • Publishes weekly on-campus volunteer opportunities to PTBoard. 

  • Hosts Lands’ End try on events for SJCA families. 

  • Team leader for Spirit Night Coordinator, Room Parent Coordinators, Volunteer Coordinator, Analytics Manager, Secretary and Planning Committee. 

  • Hosts monthly team meeting to ensure coordination between committee members.  

  • Coordinates with the Executive Committee and SJCA administration to secure dates for events.  

  • Steer committee for Teacher Appreciation Week, collecting student snacks during FSA testing, and Penguin Patch Holiday Shop.  

Fine Arts Booster Club Chairman

Creates and manages fundraisers to raise funds to support the needs of the SJCA Art Department. Communicates with committee members regarding upcoming events and volunteer needs.  

 Time commitment: Moderate time commitment during preplanning stage for events. Requires a significant time commitment leading up to large party events and would benefit from more parental involvement from committee.  

 Supports the seven (7) art areas at SJCA: 

  • Lower School Art 

  • Lower School Music/Chorus 

  • Lower School Piano 

  • Upper School Art 

  • Upper School Chorus 

  • Upper School Instrumental Music 

  • Upper School Drama