The 1776 Promise

The 1776 Promise is a customizable fundraising program that provides an opportunity for parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty, staff, and community to support the continued quality of a St. Johns Classical Academy education and its mission. We ask that all SJCA parents help us reward and retain our classically trained teachers by participating in the 1776 campaign.

Inspired by the year the Declaration of Independence was signed, this campaign asks each family to donate $17.76/ month per scholar attending SJCA. The funds raised are given directly to teachers at the Fleming Island campus. The money is distributed annually to all teachers based on their years of experience and their performance reports.

If you’re ready to pledge your support, whether it’s $17.76/month/scholar or even a one-time donation in any amount, click on the link below. If you have questions, please reach out to the 1776 Promise chair, Lindsay Harmon at

We truly appreciate your support of our school, its mission, and its teachers. 

Monthly Recurring Donations

One Time Donation

 Thank you, 1776 Donors!

Your dedicated contributions in the 2023-2024 school year made a difference! Last year, our teachers collectively received $11,300.33 because of you! This year, our goal is $80,000.

A pledge to the 1776 Promise is the first and most important gift we ask of every alumnus, parent, grandparent, faculty, and friend. Funds raised as a result of this unique model are directly benefit all teachers at the chosen SJCA location, honoring their dedication to our educational mission, rewarding the hard work they do teaching this rigorous curriculum to our scholars.  

St. Johns Classical Academy offers families a unique schooling option that provides a cohesive classical education. The curriculum builds upon itself year after year, creating a successful foundation for learning. Scholars are intentionally taught the benefits of a virtuous character and will be challenged through the lessons taught within the curriculum to develop and strengthen their character. Our teachers provide the support and attention scholars require in order to meet the high expectations of a classical education, and this is no small feat.

St. Johns Classical Academy is a Hillsdale College member school. We are a tuition-free, classical, public, charter school. A charter school is a public school that receives public education funding and is open to all children in the county in which it is located. Florida Charter Schools receive about two-thirds as much funding as traditional public schools. Charter schools have to cover operational, capital, and indirect costs with the same amount of funds that traditional public schools receive for just operational costs. Help us give back to the amazing educators at SJCA by donating to this campaign.

Whether your pledge is the classic $17.76 per scholar per month, or a one-time gift, please accept our sincere thanks for the appreciation you are showing to the capable and dedicated educators arriving early and staying late to deliver this mission to the young scholars who will become the future of our communities.